Fraud Lawyer Milton - PCS LLP
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Need a criminal defence lawyer? We are here to help.


If you’re facing fraud or financial offence charges in Milton, it’s crucial to have a skilled and experienced fraud defence lawyer on your side. At Posner Craig Stein (PCS), our legal team is recognized for their expertise in handling financial crimes. Being accused of fraud or financial misconduct can be intimidating and have serious consequences. By choosing PCS, you gain a dependable ally from the initial police investigation to the final verdict. We know how damaging a criminal record can be to your future and reputation. Your freedom and well-being are at stake, and we are dedicated to protecting them. Our lawyers are committed, innovative, and relentless, both in and out of the courtroom.

Different Types of Financial Crimes

Financial crimes, commonly known as “white-collar crimes,” encompass various offences detailed in the Criminal Code of Canada. These include:


  • Tax evasion
  • Fraud
  • Breach of trust
  • Running or supervising a gaming or betting establishment
  • Bookmaking
  • Forgery and using fake documents
  • Market manipulation
  • Insider trading
  • Distributing a fake prospectus


Financial crimes also include breaches of the Securities Act. At Posner Craig Stein, we have significant experience in protecting clients from various securities violations in proceedings before the Ontario Securities Commission.

Defending Against Financial Crimes and Fraud Charges in Milton

Defending against financial crimes and fraud charges in Milton requires specialized expertise. This often involves consulting forensic accountants and using the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to exclude certain evidence. If you’re facing a fraud charge or any financial offence in Milton, it’s essential to seek help from a knowledgeable fraud lawyer. They will thoroughly investigate your case and develop an effective strategy to protect your rights and maintain your reputation.


Achieving success in your fraud or financial offence case means:


  • Staying out of jail
  • Avoiding a criminal record
  • Ensuring hassle-free travel to the U.S.
  • Retaining your licence to sell and trade financial products

Why You Need a Fraud Lawyer in Milton

If you’re facing fraud or financial offence charges in Milton, getting legal help quickly is crucial. Even if you are just under investigation and not formally charged, speaking with a fraud lawyer is important. At Posner Craig Stein (PCS), our experienced criminal lawyers are well-versed in the law. With years of trial experience, we aim to achieve the best possible outcome for you.


Having a fraud lawyer from PCS means having a strong advocate from the start. Waiting or hoping for a positive outcome without legal assistance can make things more difficult. Our consultations are private, allowing us to provide advice specific to your situation. Trust us to manage your case with professionalism and dedication, working towards the best resolution.

What to Do if Facing a Financial Offense Charge in Milton

If you’ve been accused of a financial crime or are under investigation in Milton, Posner Craig Stein is ready to help you with your defence.


Why Choose Us?


  • We consistently secure positive results for our clients.
  • Our team includes respected, skilled, and experienced fraud lawyers.
  • Our pricing is fair and transparent.


It’s crucial to get support from a skilled criminal defence lawyer right away. Posner Craig Stein will do everything to help you avoid a conviction, preventing a criminal record, fines, or jail time. Our legal team will promptly reach out to learn about your situation and plan your defence. We’ll carefully review your case and consider all possible defence options, including invoking the Charter of Rights and Freedoms if the police have violated your rights.


​​Reach out to us now to arrange a private consultation. Trust the criminal defence experts at Posner Craig Stein. With vast experience handling different cases in Milton, our dedicated, skilled, and experienced fraud lawyers are devoted to safeguarding your freedom and rights.


The sooner you hire the right criminal lawyer, the greater your odds of winning.

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