Domestic Assault Lawyer Milton - PCS LLP
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Need a criminal defence lawyer? We are here to help.

Being charged with domestic violence in the Milton area is a frightening experience that may change your life to a terrifying extent. Not only does it carry legal consequences, but it also carries a stigma that can affect personal and professional relationships, making it incredibly difficult to rebuild your good name and get back on track.


That’s where the help of experienced domestic assault lawyers from PCS LLP proves indispensable. Our criminal lawyers are well-known in the Milton area and across the Greater Toronto Area. We have successfully handled some of the most complex domestic assault matters, and our proven track record of success in representing clients in Milton speaks volumes about our dedication and skill in navigating the legal system. Don’t deal with domestic violence charges in Milton alone, our domestic assault lawyers are here to protect your rights and ensure your freedom.


Even though there’s no separate charge in the Criminal Code for “domestic assault”, domestic assault is considered a serious crime in Milton and is treated seriously by the legal system. In fact, there are many courtrooms in Milton, equipped to handle domestic violence cases specifically. Therefore, if you were charged with domestic assault, hoping that you won’t be prosecuted by Milton’s criminal justice system for a domestic violence offence isn’t the best solution. Instead, an accused person should seek assistance from a legal firm with a track record of winning cases in domestic assault trials.


The Criminal Code also contains provisions for victims of domestic violence to seek protection and justice. If you’re a victim of domestic violence, PCS LLP legal professionals can provide you with assistance you need to ensure your safety and well-being.


Domestic violence manifests in various forms, ranging from subtle emotional manipulation and psychological abuse to blatant physical aggression. Here are the primary categories of criminal charges commonly associated with domestic incidents:

Physical Domestic Assault

This involves acts of physical harm or property damage inflicted by one partner upon another. Examples include:


  • Direct physical violence like hitting, slapping, or punching
  • Causing bodily harm through actions like burning or strangulation
  • Damaging personal property
  • Interfering with medical care or controlling medication
  • Pressuring a partner into substance abuse
  • Threatening or using weapons

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse entails manipulative tactics aimed at controlling and dominating a partner’s emotions and actions. Examples include:


  • Name-calling and insults
  • Blaming the partner for everything
  • Exhibiting extreme jealousy
  • Using intimidation or threats
  • Publicly shaming or humiliating the partner
  • Isolating the partner from friends and family
  • Controlling the partner’s movements and activities
  • Engaging in stalking behaviour

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is about exerting power rather than consensual intimacy. It includes:


  • Forcing a partner into sexual acts with others (such as human trafficking)
  • Initiating sexual activity when the partner is unconscious or unable to refuse
  • Inflicting physical harm during sexual encounters
  • Coercing a partner into unprotected sex or interfering with birth control

Financial Abuse

This involves manipulating finances to maintain control over a partner. Examples include:


  • Causing physical harm that interferes with the partner’s employment
  • Harassing the partner at their workplace
  • Controlling financial assets and restricting access to money
  • Damaging the partner’s credit score


These behaviours may lead to accusations in Milton, necessitating the assistance of an experienced criminal lawyer with a track record of handling various domestic assault cases.


A conviction for domestic assault may lead to a criminal record or even jail time, leading to future challenges such as finding it difficult finding employment or not being able to travel. Furthermore, if deemed guilty, it can result in limited access to children or play an active role in their upbringing or even prevent an individual from returning to their own residence, irrespective of ownership. The repercussions of a conviction can be profound and can profoundly alter one’s life trajectory. 


In domestic assault cases, testimony often boils down to one person’s word against another’s. The credibility of each witness typically takes centre stage. Securing legal counsel with a strong background in cross-examination is pivotal for achieving favourable outcomes. At PCS LLP, our domestic assault lawyers possess finely honed cross-examination expertise. With meticulous preparation and extensive experience, we excel in uncovering the truth.


For those confronting domestic violence charges in the Milton area, PCS stands as the ideal criminal law firm for several reasons:


  • We consistently deliver optimal outcomes for our clients.
  • Our reputation for adept cross-examination is widely recognized.
  • Our fees are competitively priced.


Should you find yourself accused of a domestic violence offence, seeking immediate representation from a seasoned criminal lawyer is imperative. Posner Craig Stein offers the potential to evade criminal convictions, incarceration, and the distressing prospect of family separation.


We handle domestic violence cases throughout Milton and across Ontario.


Arrange a confidential consultation today, either in-person at our office, via phone, or through a virtual meeting, to explore your legal options. Place your confidence in the PCS criminal defence team — a cadre of highly skilled lawyers boasting proven expertise in domestic violence cases.


The sooner you hire the right criminal lawyer, the greater your odds of winning.

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